
Roasted Garlic Brussels Sprouts and Asparagus

Hi everyone!

     I drove over to Fresh&Easy after my hair appointment today.  I wanted to purchase a few items I could prepare the night before for my lunches as well as something that could double as a dinner dish for work.  I saw some brussels sprouts and asparagus.  Roasting it will be - yum!  I have wanted to try some brussels sprouts topped with hemp seeds for a while now; I was extremely excited to roast these brussels!!

{you can find Hemp Seeds at Whole Foods}


 Let's get started!!


bag fresh brussels sprouts
bag fresh asparagus
1 garlic clove {minced}
olive oil

 Preheat the oven to 400 and line a baking dish with tin foil.

To prepare the asparagus you will need to snap the ends off of the asparagus.

To prepare the brussels sprouts you will need to cut the stubs/ends off and remove the outside leaves.
{I cut the brussels in half}

Place the asparagus and brussels onto the tin foil lined dish.  Drizzle olive oil on the veggies, sprinkle them with salt and pepper and lastly add minced garlic.
Toss to coat evenly.

TIP: Smash your garlic to easily remove the shell.  When you cut off the first end of the garlic {after smashing} and sticky shell will peel right off.

Roast for 15 minutes.
Remove the asparagus and then flip the brussels {my preference}
Continue to roast the brussels for about 5 more minutes.
{when re-heating in the toaster oven you will have to cover the veggies with tin foil so they do not burn, re-heat at around 350 until warmed}

TIP: Roasting veggies will always take place at 400 degrees in the oven - you will always achieve a nice golden crunch on the veggies at this temperature.  Cooking time will depend on the preference of crunchiness to softness.  

TIP:To drizzle olive oil from the bottle place a finger over the opening while allowing a small space for the oil to “drizzle” out of…now you can control the amount of oil you desire to use for roasting.  {think of the technique you used while you were squirting your siblings with a hose!  I hope I wasn’t the only one soaking my brothers with a hose when I was young}

I save ALL of my food scraps.  I give them to my Aunt's friend because she makes her own compost for her organic backyard farm.  How do you contribute to being GREEN?!?!?!

.:: FOOD ::.


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